Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil for Humans
The study results open the veil of secrecy contained in
natural coconuts, presents data on the benefits of scented oil and gently
savory to increase metabolism, as well as tackling various diseases.
Virgin coconut oil contains lauric acid which is high (up to
53 percent), a fat is saturated with carbon chain (carbon number 12) which is
called medium chain fatty acids MCFA alias.
Hearing the word saturated fat, it's easy to become
frightened, dragged down by myths about the dangers of saturated fats for good
health, without listening to a chain that saturated fats are, nevertheless
support our health.
The results showed, the use of Virgin coconut oil for
cooking foods will increase body resistance against diseases that kill. In the
human body lauric acid is converted into monolaurin, a monoglyceride compounds
that are antiviral, antibacterial, and antiprotozoa.
By its nature, monolaurin can overcome attack viruses such
as HIV, herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1), vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), visna
virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), influenza, and various pathogenic bacteria
including listeria monocytogenes and Helicobacter pyloryd, and protozoa such as
lamblia giadia.
In addition to containing lauric acid, Virgin coconut oil
also contains capric acid, which, although only six percent of abortion, is
also beneficial to health. In our body, fat is the amount of carbon chain is
converted into monocaprin ten, are useful for overcoming sexual diseases, such
as HSV-2 and HIV-1, and the bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.
Anti-infective properties that belongs to fatty acids
depending on their chemical structure, such as anti-infective monoglyserides
nature. Meanwhile, diglycerides and triglycerides are not anti-infective.
Among saturated fats are the carbon chain, lauric acid has
greater antiviral activiy than caprylic acid (with eight carbon), capric acid
(ten carbon), or myristic acid (with 14 carbon).
Condrado is Dr. Dayrit, who in the eighties served as
president of the National Academy of Science and the Director of Medical
Potenciano Medical Center, the Philippines, which initially reported the
results of research on the ability of capric acid, lauric acid or deadly HIV
After the professor JJ Kabara patenting research results
more than thirty years ago, the results of research on the ability of Virgin
coconut minyal overcome virus attacks have been widely patented for example, a
patent that belongs to the New England Hospital Deacones entitled Kernel Oils
and Disease Treatment.
Weight Control
Chain saturated fats are contained in Virgin coconut oil is
also beneficial for weight control. Obesity has become a public health problem
in the United States, 55 percent of the people who experiencing problem of
Obesity, heart disease, and osteoporosis are conditions
caused by low levels of metabolism. To produce energy from carbohydrates,
insulin is needed so that glucose can enter the cells.
Many people have problems of insulin production when they
get old so that her body had difficulty obtaining energy from carbohydrates.
Glucose that is not or has not been used for energy is converted into
triglycerides and circulated throughout the body.
Trigliceride and lipoprotein must penetrate the cell wall to
be used into energy, and both also require enzymes to be able to penetrate the
membrane of mitochondria in cells, where energy is produced.
However, MCFA has unique properties, namely that he does not
need enzymes to penetrate the wall of the mitochondria that generate energy
quickly and efficiently. That is why there are people saying, taking MCFA
similar to filling a vehicle with high-octane fuel.
Because MCFA are easily absorbed into cells and then into
the mitochondria, metabolism increases. The addition of energy produced by
metabolism that produces stimulating effects in the whole body.
In addition to increasing our energy level, there are other
benefits along with it such as increased metabolism, improved resistance to
disease and accelerate healing of the sick. With the increase in metabolism,
our cells work more efficiently. They form new cells and replace damaged cells
more quickly.
Japanese researchers, T Fushiki and K Matsumoto reported,
with Virgin coconut oil consumed, the body not only have greater energy, but
also has a longer durability.
In utilization, Virgin coconut oil can be consumed directly,
or used for cooking. With a chemical structure that does not contain a double
bond, these oils are resistant to heat, light, oxygen, and resistant to
degradation processes. By nature, the Virgin coconut oil can be stored easily
at room temperature for years.
As the largest archipelagic country, Indonesia has a garden
of coconut (Cocos nucifera) the world's largest area of 3712 hectares, almost
all are smallholders and is a source of income for about two and a half million
farm families.