
Efficacy The Bud Rosela

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Efficacy The Bud Rosela

Ir Didah Nurfarida MSi, researcher Food Science and Technology, Bogor Agricultural University found levels of antioxidants in tea red petals in 2006. The amount is 1.7 mmmol / prolox, higher than a cat's whiskers antioxidant clinically proven kidney stone shed.
The amount a ntioksidan was obtained by grinding three petals rosela to 1.5 g of powder and water were given 200 ml. The result is inserted into the spectrophotometer. Tools that analyze the chemical content based on the entire length of the refracted wave solution.
With the presence of antioxidants, free radical cells that damage the cell nucleus can be eliminated, said Didah. That's why rosella have anticancer effects. The greatest role is anthocyanin. Anthocyanin pigments of plants play a role maintaining cell damage from excessive ultraviolet light absorption.
Antihypertensive Nun in New Zealand, John McIntosh examines the content of antioxidants.Researchers from the Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University, was extracted with dry rosella flower petals at a temperature of 50oC for 36 hours. Three gram-term oseile rosela rouge in French-drying results were diluted in 300 ml of water.The solution was put into a tube spectrophotometer. The result rosela containing 51% anthocyanins, whereas 24% antioxidant.
The numbers are then used Yun-Ching Chang of the Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taiwan. Researchers tested the effectiveness of the anthocyanins rosela for inhibition of blood cancer or leukemia cells.Apparently, the natural pigment of the Hibiscus sabdariffa not only inhibits the growth of cancer cells HL-60, but also turn it off. The dosage was only 0-4 mg / ml rosella. Affecting anthocyanin delphinidin 3-named sambubioside.
The new research was in the preclinical laboratory. There has been no direct proof of their effect on humans. However, Zuraida feel the direct benefits of rosella lowering high blood levels of the pathway to for 15 years. Mother of 4 kids is often dizziness, nausea, and heat in the head.
Because think of ordinary headache, a former high school Biology teacher 13 Jakarta was only taking drugs stall. However, over time increasingly severe headache. Such as jackhammer, he said. If it were so, he could not walk because of loss of balance.
Suffering is experienced during a year. Until 1990 he consulted to medical experts.Results Zuraida diagnosed hypertension. That's because since retired irregular eating patterns. Understandably, as a descendant of Minangkabau ethnic, spicy foods, bersantan, and high fat always served at the table. For 15 years a woman born December 16, 1944 was dependent on the chemical drug prescription.
End of January 2006, during a visit to an exhibition, presented with warm tea Zuraida red.Without knowing the efficacy, Zuraida regularly consume tea-rosela vinagreira in Portuguese, because the sour taste refreshing.
After taking for 1 month, 3 grandchildren's grandmother feel more calm because the nerves and tension neck stiffness due to hypertension is lost. Feel fitter and sleep soundly, Zuraida went to the doctor. His blood pressure dropped 80 points from 200 mmHg to 120 mmHg.
Proven efficacy of petal-term zuring rosela in Dutch-for hypertension proved Abd al-Aziz Sharaf of Sudan Research Unit, Institute of African and Asian Studies. As quoted Planta Medical Journal in 1962, rosella petals are hypotensive, antihypertensive, and anticonvulsant breathing. Thirty-seven years later, antihypertensive properties was tested clinically by M. Haji Faraji and A.H. Haji Shaheed Beheshti Tarkhani from the University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, Tehran, Iran. A total of 54 patients with high blood pressure on Tehran's Shariati Hospital and sistoliknya diastolic pressure was calculated 15 days before and after testing.
Patients were given a cup of tea consumption steeping 3 rosella flowers. After 12 days, the patient's systolic average fell 11.2%, diastolic pressure dropped 10.7%. However, when consumption rosela discontinued 3 days, the systolic pressure rose 7.9%, 5.6% diastolic. That proves efficacious rosela indeed lowers high blood pressure.
Because many of the ingredients, then boondoggle too many, said Dewani, herbalist in the mix Lentengagung rosela for people with gout, insomnia, to cholesterol.
Investigated the efficacy of anti-cholesterol by Vilasinee Hirunpanicha, from the Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Mahidol University, Thailand.Researchers tested mice that high cholesterol. During the 6 weeks, the mice were divided into 3 groups were each given 1,000 mg and 500 mg per kilogram of body weight rosella, and mineral water.
The result, serum cholesterol decreased 22% for the rosella extract 500 mg / kg and 26% to 1,000 mg / kg of weight. The decline also occurred in serum triglycerides as much as 33% and 28%, and serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels by 22% and 32%.
After the seeds were African slaves brought to the entire world by African slaves who worked in Indonesia, rosella grown in Jamaica began in 1707. rosella eaten raw as a salad. Here rosella as a traditional beverage served at Christmas. The trick is mixed with sliced ​​ginger and sugar, then put on the kettle and pottery. After that, bring to a boil and let stand overnight.
Presented with additional ice and rum. Juice it taste, smell, and color similar to drinks wine. Apparently the tree had ever seen M de L'Obel in a 344 yard last year, has a variety of properties and usability. Fortunately rosella is now re-emerging in Indonesia. That way the perceived benefits rosella in Africa can also be obtained in Indonesia. (Vina Fitriani)